Tao of Taoism

Daily Taoist 1_08 – Buddha Zhen Explains Tao #1 of the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu from Tao of Taoism book

“This is number one of the Tao Te Ching. I think my numbers correspond–to what everybody’s doing now. I didn’t have any reason to…” Move any of these numbered wisdoms around. “I was trying to be respectful of Lao Tzu. I think he would like what I have done.”

“Like I said, another Taoist mentor, master actually, read this book and said he liked it so much that he was going to take ideas from it for his book.”

“I think I have grasped Lao Tzu. I really do.”

Tao #1

Nature is the undefinable source of all life.
We attempt to distinguish it as “Chi”
But this represents Nature as much as a leaf represents a tree.

Buddha Z discusses multiverses, and worlds within our world… within a bacteria… within a molecule… “Like Antman… He’s going down into those sub-realities.”


BOOKS by Buddha Z:


Tao Of Taoism – Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life


Buddha Kung Fu


Buddha Z discusses Tao #1 of the Tao of Taoism.  For Americans he substitutes the word, "Nature," for the Chinese word, "Tao."




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https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen



Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital

OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z


Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications


Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records


Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis


Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON



Tao Of Taoism – Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life

Daily Taoist 1_06 – The Tao poem written by Buddha Zhen in Tao of Taoism book

Buddha Zhen still claims to be rehearsing for his ‘real’ audiobook production.

Buddha Zhen reads his 5-line poem:

The Dao

The Dao is Nature
The Dao is our Path in life.
The DAO is our Way of travelling our path.
The Dao is our Natural way that reality unfold or reacts.
The Dao is different for each of us because each of us have a different AWARENESS of it.

Buddha Z explains the Tao of Naure as, “Like being in a bowl of soup. Nature. Whatever’s happening in that bowl of soup is Nature. That’s the Nature. The Tao is Nature. So whatever is happening around you: That’s Nature.

“Your Tao. Not my Tao. Your Tao becomes that path through that soup. That’s your Tao. So you’ve got whatever’s around you…”

Interesting perspective: “Life is a bowl of soup.”

“When we get smarter people who are not as violent and ‘idiotic’–I’m not sure what the word is: We will hot have any more wars and a lot less suffering.

BOOKS by Buddha Z:


Buddha Kung Fu





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https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen



Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital

OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z


Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications


Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records


Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis


Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON


The Dao is a short poem by Buddha Zhen that provides a comprehensive view of Taoism, The Tao, Nature, and Zen Buddhism.

Daily Taoist 1_05 – Buddha Zhen Reads “Explanation” of Tao of Taoism – Using the Dao Te Ching

Buddha Z reads “Explanation” page of his book. It starts with an explanation of, “This ebook version of Tao of Taoism uses both “Tao”, which is Cantonese, and also, “Dao,” which is the current Mandarin Chinese language of China. They are the same word with the same meaning,” (“Tao and Dao”).

“Self-discovery is the last frontier for the smartest of men and women.. This book is a journey down your own very unique “Last Frontier.””

“How much time do you spend exploring your inner you?”

“Why are you you?”

“What makes you you?”

“I wrote this book for her [his daughter]. It’s called Act Zen to Be Zen.

“It’s about Zen Buddhism teaching you how to find yourself–And then you can reshape yourself into other people.”

“Zen Buddhism is about understanding other people from as many perspectives as possible. And view yourself from as many perspectives as possible.”

Buddha Z talks about his poetry class in San Diego State University.

Buddha Zhen talks about how Lao Tzu may not be translated accurately by anyone because they may not understand the colloquial meanings of his statements 2,200 years ago.

Buddha Zhen also explains how only the disciples of Bodhidharma can perform the One-handed Bow of the Shaolin Temple because it signifies the relationship between the FIRST disciple of Bodhidharma and of those who continue this lineage of disciples of Buddhism to the first disciple, Hui Ke. If you aren’t ready to teach Shaolin Kung Fu or you don’t belong to a Shaolin master… you should not deceive people with this spiritual gesture.

Who is a Real Zen Buddhist?

“So what happened was–his Disciple Hui Ke–he tricked him. He tricked Bodhidharma to become the first Shaolin Disciple… He cut his arm. He went to his [Bodhidharma’s] cave and outside the cave he cut his arm and it bled into the snow. And he said, “Look, it’s raining red–in the snow. So Bodhidharm said, “Alright–you win.””

Buddha Z gets a little teary eyed. “So that’s what we’re doing. We’re honoring his sacrifice.” Buddha Z pauses. “I got a little choked up there.”

He continues, “I originally wrote this book for myself, then realized it was useful for other people. Then I rewrote it again when I created my Shaolin Chi Mantis schools in 1993 into a student manual for psychoanalyzing yourself, to help students develop a dialogue with their own inner minds.”

5 Soul Theory of Richard Del Connor

“It’s interesting I put that in the plural. It’s only in the last two years I discovered that we actually are four… souls is what I’m calling theem. Four different identities that all stack and work together.”

Buddha Z elaborates on his 5 SOUL THEORY. “You can only have four of them. Most people only have two.”

Buddha Zhen holds the book up to camera to show his Chinese ‘chop’ which is the red ‘dragon blood’ stamp on the page with his Chinese name. He explains which characters represent:

  • Zhen: family name = “Truth”
  • Shen: means “Spirit” or “Spiritual” but not ‘ghost’
  • Lang: “Wolf” (Master Chen explained to Richard Del Connor, “We don’t have Coyotes in China–only wolves.”)

Spirit Wolf of Truth = Buddha Z’s Buddhist name: Shen-Lang Zhen.

BOOKS by Buddha Z at ACT ZEN website:

Buddha Kung Fu





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https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen



Rich Connor Singing Webmaster
Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital

OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z


Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications


Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records


Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis


Shaolin Chi Mantis ONLINE KWOON


Daily Taoist 1_01 – Buddha Zhen Reads TAO OF TAOISM

The Daily Taoist series begins with this EPISODE #1. Buddha Zhen is also Richard Del Connor, a record producer and founder of Shaolin Records and Shaolin Pictures. Richard has spent the last six years of homeless life as a Shaolin monk teaching traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu from the original Buddhist temple on Mr. Songshan in China. From 2013 to 2019 Buddha Zhen taught Yang Tai Chi Chuan and his Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu, Taoist Tai Chi Chuan & Confucian Strategy at North hollywood Park. The public library there is where he published several books including the TAO OF TAOISM.

TAO OF TAOISM available at Shaolin Records.

The Tao of Taoism EBOOK is also available from Amazon.com
Tao of Taoism book

This EBOOK of Tai Chi Beginner may be removed from Amazon.com also. It does not appear to ranking well because it was created as a STUDENT MANUAL while learning Tai Chi Chuan. Perhaps I will sell the PAPERBACK when I complete the original edition with 444 photos.

This book, Tao of Taoism, was written while Richard Del Connor was at UCLA film school in 1985. Richard wrote this book for himself so he could utlize the wisdom of Lao Tzu’s book Tao Te Ching, or Book of Changes. That book is the foundation of the Taoist religion. It’s actually a philosophy book but the Chinese added some Ghosts and Gods to make it more exciting.

In 1993 Richard was teaching Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan classes in a prison, several rehabs, and a couple churches. He created two books for his students:

  • Tai Chi Beginner – The Yang Tai Chi Chuan of Shaolin Chi Mantis
  • Taoism – Coming to Terms (With added question and fill-in blanks for his students.)

This is episode one, before Buddha Z realized he was creating a series or show…

Tao of Taoism BOOK Blurb from Amazon

The Dao Te Ching (Tao Teh King, Dao De Qing…) by Lao Tzu, has inspired oriental readers for over 2,000 years to become better people, get along with other people, and coexist with Nature in harmony.

Yin Yang artwork by Buddha Zhen

Buddha Zhen Shen-Lang, (Richard Del Connor), has adapted these ancient teachings and wisdoms into useful lessons for his Kung Fu and Tai Chi students of Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Gongfu and Taijiquan, Buddha Kung Fu schools, and the nonprofit education organization, Tai Chi Youth.

Since 1993, Buddha Zhen has seen his students improve their lives and ways of living through the questions he formulated based upon this ancient book by the sage, Lao Tzu (Lao Tzi…).

Now Buddha Zhen has reduced the size of the book, Tao of Daoism, (formerly titled: The Dao – Coming To Terms), so that students and a worldwide audience can access these teachings on smaller Ebook reading devices.

Learn to be in harmony with your past.
Learn to be in harmony with your present.
Learn to be in harmony with your future.
Learn to be in harmony with other people.
Learn to be in harmony with your self.
Learn to be in harmony with your family.
Learn to be in harmony with society.
And of course, learn to be in harmony with Nature.

Tao of Taoism transforms the thoughts and wisdoms of Lao Tzu into questions of self-discovery that each reader can pursue and ponder for their own self-development, enlightenment, and lifestyle improvement. Write down the answers to these questions to further illuminate yourself and focus your personal thoughts and self-awareness.

Buddha Z the Daily Taoist

The DAILY TAOIST is Buddha Z

I wrote a book when I was in UCLA Film School in 1986 called THE DAO – COMING TO TERMS. It was my personal guide in life as a Taoist. (I will use Dao and Tao, Daoist and Taoist interchangeably… They are the same.) Taoism is the old Cantonese dialect not used in China anymore. I studied Chinese for several years and learned only the Mandarin Chinese new and current language of China which uses:

  • Daoism
  • Gongfu
  • Taijiquan…

So if I mix them up… it’s to be more commercial. During the 1990s I switched everything to Mandarin… but now I’m switching much of my writings back to Cantonese for better understanding by the American reader.

Tao of Taoism bookThe DAILY TAOIST show was an accident a week ago. I spent a couple days setting up my recording studio for recording my first audiobook in my new home in Lancaster, California. I decided to create a couple INSTAGRAM shows to warm up and create some promotion for the audiobook of TAO OF TAOISM – Using the Dao Te Ching to Improve Your Life.

I sat down in my Shaolin Kung Fu school, put on a Taoist robe and started talking. I was looking for a rhythm or way to share this book, Tao of Taoism, as an audiobook, knowing it had a huge impediment: it’s a question-and-answer type book. There are more blank spaces for writing the answers to the questions –than sentences.

Next, I realized that this is a book that cannot really be just an audiobook. The audiobook is a great kickstart, and perhaps more enlightening than most books of Taoism–but the book was written for the READER’s ANSWERS, more than just spraying people with Taoist enlightenment.

So I decided to add my own answers to the questions as I elaborated on the questions. This was cool. I got carried away–as expected, and I shared all kinds of personal and perhaps embarrassing stories about my life and ways of thinking. I think my personal stories added to the enlightenment, but the true purpose of this book is to extract the answers from the reader.

69 Free Videos for an Audiobook?

So Buddha Z tried several techniques and reading methods throughout the DAILY TAOIST series of 69 videos. I was quite surprised at the number 69 magically popping up. As a Zen Buddhist I do not believe in magic or superstition. But as a Taoist, numerology and superstitions have always found a home for romantics and beginning thinkers. #69 is aYin-Yang number (or #96… but #69 looks more like a Yin-Yang symbol.) Anyway, I’d finished reading the entire Tao of Taoism book, and recorded a couple commercials totalling 69 videos–I felt completed… a sense of completion… and perhaps a magical package that was destined to improve the world. (Are Taoists allowed to consider “destiny?”) Those various reading techniques appear to best served by reading a passage or question once; then reading it again slightly differently; then discussing it.

But then I realized that by asking people to meditate and consider their answers to some of the questions–if they were driving in a car: I may be distracting their attention too much. This concern was expressed in the DAILY TAOIST series several times by Buddha Z.

So it is imperative that the reader purchase the book and fill-in the blanks. Buddha Z emphasized that this is important for mental and spiritual growth because these answers will change over decades and illuminate to the reader their progress intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically as these questions address lifestyle issues. When you reread this book in a few years, it will inspire you differently and provide an awareness of your intellectual growth since then.

Notebook or Audiobook or Paperback?

The TAO OF TAOISM is available at Amazon.com? Well, for a while. The book was written in 1985 as a personal life-guide of Richard Del Connor while attending UCLA. In 1992 when Sifu Richard O’Connor (that was my name then) founded Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Gongfu & Taoist Taijiquan: he rewrote the book for his newly founded Shaolin Kung Fu school. Then, in 2011 it was rewritten to be more commercially viable and useful to people outside of the Shaolin Chi Mantis schools. Many of the martial arts questions were removed.

Since 2005 when our TAI CHI BEGINNER book, TAI CHI INTERMEDIATE book, BUDDHA KUNG FU STUDENT MANUAL and SHAOLIN KUNG FU BEGINNER books were sold as ebooks: it proved very complicated for people to print the books themselves or muster the money and effort to have a photocopy store do it for them. Some students made some money printing them out and selling them to fellow students. I encouraged that. I’ve always encouraged my students to be entrepreneurs and let them buy supplies for the school to sell at a profit.

However, since this book cannot be accomplished by the reader in its ebook format–all distributors: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks are going to have their ebooks deleted soon. (Probably gone by the time you read this?) I was considering an 8.5″ x 11″ paperback, but filling in the blanks is more difficult and the binding may break… So I will probably find a printer to create these notebook versions and mail them myself. Actually, I’d gladly pay one of my students a profitable amount for them to do this for me.

10 Notebooks of Tao Of Taoism Found

Wow, I found ten notebook versions of TAO OF TAOISM of the 18 copies I printed for a book event in 2014. All 18 of these notebooks were signed and dated by me at the time. I personally printed them, punched holes in the paper and inserted them in notebooks with covers, back covers, and THE SPINES which are difficult to insert into the notebook exteriors. Since these are ‘collector items’ I’m wondering what to do with them. I’m considering saving them for a few years more and then auctioning them when the TAO OF TAOISM is a book in demand. I’m hoping that I will not be the one personally printing and building these in the future.

Weird. I’ve got a great book, and I don’t know how to sell it.

Daily Taoist Show is Reading Tao of Taoism Book

Back to the DAILY TAOIST who is READING the TAO OF TAOISM book. I shot all 69 videos in the Instagram VERTICAL FORMAT. I’ve seen countless warnings, “Don’t ever shoot in the vertical format!!!” But I thought I was only going to shoot a few as samples to gather interest in the audiobook. I realize now that the audiobook of TAO OF TAOISM will also be inspiring and useful but it is the NOTEBOOK version I want to sell mostly. It works the best for the reader. I’m curious to see the future of this book’s distribution now… What will it be?

At any rate, the entire book is in these Instagram videos. Sheesh. Another product I’m giving away for free. No regrets about improving the minds of this planet… but I’d like to rise from my poverty.

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