Daily Taoist 1_22 – Buddha Zhen Illuminates TAO #11 the Yin / Yang of Nature from Tao of Taoism book

YouTube Transcript for VIDEO: Daily Taoist 22:

Alright. When I started that last one I said I’d do these two. Let’s finish this one. I don’t know if I’ll do any more today. If the background changes, that means it’s another day. Let’s see. Actually, this thing doesn’t move behind me.

The incorporation of opposites creates usable efforts.
Walls have doors. Containers are hollow.
And success requires expense.

This is cool. That yin and yang. Giving and taking. And things flowing and spinning.

Here we go.

Again. NUMBER 11: of the Tao Te Ching.

The incorporation of opposites.

Incorporating. That means utilizing them.

Creates usable efforts.

Magnetism. Chi.

Walls have doors. Containers are hollow.

Ying and yang again.

And success requires expense.

Always at least in time and effort. Which has a value in money.

Okay. So here we go. Ahhhhh. I’m probably not gonna talk much. There’s too much to talk about. And like I said, I’d have to hit this with different angles depending on which business of mine we’re talking about.

Here we go.

What opposites within you are utilized for your efficiency?

What opposites within you are utilized for your efficiency?

What opposites of others are utilized for your work?

What opposites of others are utilized for your work?

I don’t know if you got that. What opposites of others. Other people have opposites too, remember. They have a yin and a yang. Happy and a sad.

And so sometimes if you can play one, offer a carrot to make the other one–you can get them of course to move. With a carrot. Anyway.

What persons that are opposite of you do you harmonize with?

That are opposite of you. Like, way different, but you harmonize with them. And why? I’m not saying you’re going to get the right answer but give it a try.

How are opposites used in your career?

How are opposites used in your career?

I’m thinking of a bunch of answers. I don’t know if I want to misguide you. You might be inspired to come up with something interesting. So, I’ll try to say as little as possible.

How do you treat persons that you don’t like?

How do you treat persons that you don’t like?

How do you control those aspects of yourself that slow you down?

How do you control those aspects of yourself that slow you down?

How do you utilize the night as opposed to the daytime?

How do you use the night time as opposed to the daytime?

How do you utilize yin yang energies in your Tai Chi Chuan practice?

That’s kind of cool. That’s a lot of fun.

How do you utilize yin yang energies in your Tai Chi Chuan practice?

Well, you wouldn’t know that but a lot of it’s yin and yang. As I was explaining in yesterday’s class… it was today’s class. It was this morning. I was explaining how this is the only Kung Fu I know that you can use with breathing. We do the whole thing, “Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.” See. So they’re kind of yin and yang see. “Inhale–” That’s a yin and then yang. Boom. Exhale you know.

These are positive / negatives in the Tai Chi form.

Here we go.

How can opposites be more useful in your career?

How can opposites be more useful in your career?

How can opposites be more useful in your homelife?

These are cool questions.

How can opposites be more useful in your homelife?

They could also be turning light switches on and off couldn’t they?

How can opposites be more useful in your lovelife?

How can opposites be more useful in your lovelife?

How can your emotions be better controlled by reversing them?

That’s not a good one for me. [laughs] Well, actually it shouldn’t make that much difference. I try to keep my polarity at zero. So you reverse them it doesn’t make that big a difference. Sorry. I wasn’t supposed to talk was I?

Here we go. So… The question was, How can your emotions be better controlled by reversing them?

How easily can you change your emotions?

How easily can you change your emotions?

How quickly can you stop being mad?

How quickly can you stop being mad?

How quickly can you stop being sad?

I will say something there.

Back in the eighties, because I’ve been thinking about this the last few days because I lost my best friend on Friday. Really sad. I shed some tears. But I didn’t sob. Kind of realizing today, my mourning period’s still not really over…. Lost a good, good friend. But anyway, but there still is something. I’m sensitized. The um… When I was in the eighties I had a lot of emotional breakups. I remember, but anyway, I can’t tell a lot of the details. I had a lot of girlfriends. Lots of breakups. Lots of emotions. Lots of relationships. Lots of falling in love. Lots of falling out of love. And somewhere in that mix: And I can’t– I have no specific memories– I remember being sad a couple times. In my life. Actually maybe I went back even farther when I was a teenager, But anyway, I can remember at some point, a couple points–maybe two, three at the most: when I was sobbing so much that i could tell the crying was making the crying more powerful. The sadder I got… the sadder I got.

It was like wohhh… In fact I remember in the eighties. in the mid eighties I developed a hypothesis when i was in UCLA. It had something to do with ions in the universe. It’s like a ‘like’ attracts ‘like.’ In other words, if you get that negative energy going–they’re just there, and they cling to you. And make you feel like you’re weighted down. And they’re sticking to you. Other people might say they were ghosts and spirits or whatever. But the point is that it attracts more. It doesn’t make you feel better. In other words, you feel like you want to get that sadness out of you–but you start to realize, “Hey. It’s starting to generate itself and I can’t control it. What the heck’s going on here?” You don’t want to do it. It’s pointless to do something that’s self-destructive. And that’s what it is. It’s like a feedback loop.

Sorry. Told you I wasn’t gonna but I thought that was kind of interesting because I was noticing that: during all this sadness that I have felt, I didn’t get close to that desperate loss. I mean close. But I did get to that point where I could’ve gone further at least once. I got really sad. It hit me. I just let it hit me. I thought, “okay, I’m fortunately alone” [laughs] So I allowed myself to be sad for a minute, and let it go. That was it. The worst one. The worst one. I let it happen. But I didn’t just dwell on it go, “Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh.” I’d just kind of agree with it. Just let it happen. It was kind of like a burp. I didn’t want to keep like burping. I just let it out.

Here we go. I wasn’t gonna talk. Remember?

How easily can you change your emotions?

How quickly can you stop being sad?

That was the question: How quickly can you stop being sad?

How much time of each day are you having– and in capital letters: FUN? F-U-N. Fun.

How much time of each day are you having fun?

Look at the smile on my face. I’m having fun right now. Yep. This is fun to me.

Last question: What inhibits your having fun?

For me it’s been a house. Not having an iphone. Not having a computer. Not having a place for Bear.

That’s what’s been inhibiting me. I’m having fun now.

I always have fun, no matter what. If I could have more money I could even have more fun. Expand our fun-ness. Buy him some more food.


BOOKS by Buddha Z:



Buddha Kung Fu







https://www.facebook.com/spiritwolfoftruth/Buddha Zhen





Rich Connor Singing Webmaster of Shaolin Digital


OFFICIAL Artist Website: Shaolin Records: Buddha Z



Buddha Z BOOKS Publisher: Shaolin Communications



Buddha Z RECORD Label: Shaolin Records



Buddha Z KUNG FU School: Shaolin Chi Mantis



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